Category: Video

Posts including videos

Vlog 236: Your Plastic Pal Who’s Fun To Be With

An alternative to the tradition steel narrowboat, fibreglass (GRP) cruisers are long-established on British canals and rivers. Often cheaper to buy, both new and used, but with drawbacks such as a more fragile construction and less suitability for living aboard, especially in winter, they are a popular choice particularly on rivers. In this video, I speak to a chap who bought a Viking 26 and absolutely loves it.

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Vlog 231: White Water Narrowboating

Just to be clear, and to avoid spurious accusations of “click bait”, I do believe it fairly obvious that there will be no actual travelling down any white water in my narrowboat in this video. “White water narrowboating” is very clearly an oxymoron. With that out of the way, this is my trip from Beeston through Nottingham (on the canal) and out to Holme lock (on the River Trent)

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