Land Ho! Boat for sale
It’s been a difficult decision but for the various reasons outlined in this rather long talking-head chatty video, I am selling my narrowboat and moving back to a house – at least for a while.
All queries or viewing enquiries should be directed to the brokerage
Tel: 01788 822 115
That is I hope TO view some of your YouTube. Thanks
Having discovered Cruising the Cut on American television, my wife and I were disappointed there was no season 5. Never in a million years did we ever think we would get addicted to a show like this – no real drama; no car chases; no needless anarchy and violence … Many of our friends laughed at us, but the funny thing is how many of them now watch the show.
And I will also tell you that your explanation for ending the show made perfect sense. Sad to see it end (well, it’s still on YouTube), but I fully understand.
Hello! Some confusion here, I think. The Prime series didn’t end because I sold the boat – you’ll notice the Season 4 finale was filmed in October 2019 but the boat wasn’t sold til Spring 2022. In fact, Amazon changed what they’d permit people to upload, and de-rated the show to ‘pay per view’ rather than ‘included with Prime’ in the UK. This meant I had to stop uploading. HOWEVER … I continued (and continue to this day) making regular canal videos including lots more on my own boat up to the point where I sold it but they’re all on YouTube (and this website). So everything from 2020 onwards is YT-only – there’s plenty to see! Regards, David
Love your Cruising the Cut best on Prime soooo calming I fell asleep in my recliner along with my dog and my husband.. Had to watch several many seasons and episodes to get caught up on what we missed lol
Haha glad you enjoyed them. Just a note that if you get to the end of the Prime episodes (end of Season 4), the videos continue on YouTube and everything from 2020 onwards is on YouTube (and this website) only so there’s plenty more to see!
Hellllooo, David, I hope you are keeping well!
So, we discovered your series a few weeks ago and normally watch one a night while having dinner, but last night we watched two ( I know – rash or what) and we are half way thru’ the 4th series. We really do like your series , I think mainly because it is so relaxing…it reminds me of watching “Out of town” when I was a kid, and we all settled down to watch it on a Friday night!
So, we have a 5th series to watch and then we have the Youtube videos, which will keep us supplied with your particular brand of humour and maybe see a few ducks and swans! I hope by now you have found a house and the mortgage isn’t too horrific and you are enjoying constant hot water, heating and not having to empty the loo!
Keep up the good work, matey! Very best regards, Cathy and Mike Joy, in Panama.
PS We are both English but have lived here for 10 years…not too many canals around here, I must confess!
Hello! Thank you so much. There isn’t a fifth series (I assume you’re watching on Prime?) but yes indeed, it picks up no YouTube as you have discovered (for reference, video 201 is roughly equal to where Prime S4 ends). The house is fine, thank you! Cheers, David
Hey David!
I loved your show. I am so displeased you quit on me. I hail all the way from Detroit, Michigan. 313. Motown. The big 3! Yep. That’s me.
I had so much fun cruising the cut with you. I figured you got bored. You can only cruise so many places for so long. My excuse for you was, maybe you got bored. I learned so much thru you. Thank you!
I loved the history and everything. I’m saving up my money to jot across the pond, to check cruising the cut on my own.
I didn’t quit. And I didn’t get bored. I explained my reasons in this video and have continued making videos about the canals ever since.
Ahh… is 05/17/2023…I am five days into my recovery from lumbar back surgery; COFLEX device placement. I live across the pond south of Monterey in San Luis Obispo California. I could ramble on about my broadcast journalism degree, and how I worked in television and radio myself. You’re cruising the cut documentaries series reawakened my spirit of adventure. I am a registered nurse and I am looking forward to retirement. I have purchased land in Michigan where I plan on kayaking however I dream of spending several months in England, Scotland, Europe, in general via the Eurail Pass, and hope to have at least one week cruising the cut. I do understand you’re thinking ahead planning for your future and you need to reside in a house on land with proper plumbing not having to empty your Lou how fabulous that must be for you now. I am certain your boat has sold by now for it is a year since you had posted the video with your plans on selling your boat and purchasing your home. I will continue to watch your cruising the cut documentary series series as it has helped tremendously in my healing process. Best to you always!!! You have given all of us such a fabulous gift of adventure, and selflessness for having documented your journeys for so many years. I think you most sincerely for having made the decision to do so. Both of my parents have passed and while I have several years before, I am able to retire, watching absorbing processing, your experiences, have enabled me to look towards the future with a more positive mindset. Regards, Kate.
Hello David,
Like many videos, you stumble upon a wonderful site that brings back great memories. After finding your videos we binged many nights. When we came upon your videos that was in and around Middlewich and the Big Locks hit us hard. We met a wonderful couple in 1996 while in the Cook Islands, who were from Middlewich and at one time owned and managed Big Locks Pub.
They invited us over to spend some time on their newly acquired narrow boat. Our turn around point was Market Drayton. Four days , three nights of slow travel.
Sadly they both passed away within 7 months of each other during the lock down.
Thank you for those episodes.
I also wish to say, I’ve followed your Vandemonium videos from the beginning. Been fun watching you think through everything to get it livable and your quick getaways and all the scenery. Continued success.
Cheers and cheese!
Thank you so much! Ah what bitter-sweet memories of the canals. I’m so pleased you’ve enjoyed the videos on both channels, cheers :-)
Hello. I’m only through season 2 of your show on amazon prime but saw rumors about the selling of your boat so I had to find out what is going on. I totally understand the need for a change and wish you much success with whatever is next. In the meantime I’m glad to know I still have lots more videos to view because the scenery is lovely, the information is interesting, and your demeanor and sense of humor are delightful. In truth, I think you are just wonderful! :-)
All the best,
Ahhh thank you so much! That’s very lovely of you to say. Yes, when you reach the end of Season 4 (which is the final Prime episode), the videos do continue here on my website and on YouTube, with video 201 being approximately equal to that last part on Prime. Everything from 2020 onwards is on YT only so there’s lots to see, even after I sold my boat.
I found your videos on Amazon Prime here in Rhode Island and early into season 2 I am addicted. It reminds me a bit of the Compleat Angler. I thought you would enjoy knowing you have at least one fan across the pond. I love the show though I am occasionally thrown by the King’s English and have to stop and look things up.
I first learned of the English canal system as a child, reading of Horatio Hornblower dashing to London on the Thames and Severn Canal and “legging” through a tunnel.
Though I am sorry you are moving back to solid ground, you know what they say (at least here): the two happiest days of a boater’s life are the day they buy the boat and the day they sell the boat.
Fair winds and calm seas!
Thank you! Glad you like it. You’ll have noticed already that where Prime ended, the videos continued here and on YouTube (with the end of Season 4 being approx vlog 201 here). Regards, David
Just found you on Amazon Prime. I’m binging but just up to the end of season 2. I followed you on Facebook and watched this video on leaving the living life on the narrow boat. I totally understand your need to change up what you are doing. I’m delving into the world of outfitting a cargo van into a camper right now. You are right to look to the future and be prepared. That’s good thinking. I wish you well in your change and look forward to more of your videos.
Hello! Thank you. I hope you’re enjoying the series on Prime. Note that where Prime ended is equivalent to approx video 201 here and on YouTube so everything from 2020 onwards was on YT (and here) only – so there’s lots more to see! Regards, David
Thank you so much for the gentle serenity of Cruising the Cut. Your understated sense of humor when things go a bit sideways is a lesson we should all learn. Looking forward to further adventures maybe with your cottage?
Hi, thank you. The house won’t feature in videos, the channel remains focused on canals, narrowboats and other boaty things!
Thank you for all your videos. I have been binge watching them and thoroughly enjoying them.
Your explanation as to why you are selling your boat is exactly how I have been feeling but have had a hard time explaining to family.
In my case I retired and bought a fifth wheel and then a motor home and traveled the US for 9 years loving the lifestyle, for all your reasons, bought a house, sold the RV but am now trying to figure out how to go back to the lifestyle, all but on a smaller scale.
Hopefully I will be able to do that before I am too old. I will be 78 next week. I figure the longer I stay active, the longer I will be active.
There’s just so much out there to experience.
Thank you again for your inspiration.
Cheers. Yes, it’s a tough decision because of course I might well still be very active in later life – but also, I might not and I don’t want to end up in the “not” category without having somewhere to live. Enjoy your travels!
Hello from Ontario Canada! I started watching your videos about a year ago and have thoroughly enjoyed them. Thank you! I was fascinated by the differences between your Canal system and the Trent-Severn Canals and lakes in Ontario Canada. My wife and I did the entire waterway (386Km) in a 19 foot bowrider boat and stayed overnight at Bed & Breakfasts.
One more thing I learned from you was that I’m not alone as an Introvert with internal conflicts of wanting to socialize and yet not wanting to. It bizarre. Cheers.
Hello. Thank you, I’m glad you enjoy the videos. Being an introvert is very odd indeed, I agree! Regards, David
Hi David,
I just wanted to thank you for the hours of relaxation you provided me while watching your series. I am in Tampa Fl, USA, and I never realized just how beautiful your country is!!! I really enjoyed it when you would point out historical buildings and what not.
I must admit, when I watched the last episode in season 4, (last night) I felt a little sad, but I was glad to see you have a web site.
I have watched your video here and I think you have made an excellent choice, I will be 60 in a few months, and I can tell you with absolute certainty, nothing is getting any easier,lol.
Good luck with your boat sale and house purchase!!!!
Rich from USA
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the Prime episodes. Note that where Prime ended is equivalent to approx video 201 here and on YouTube so everything from 2020 onwards was on YT (and here) only – so there’s lots more to see! And I am continuing to make the videos, as explained in the entry you just watched. Regards, David
Hi David
Sorry half of our msg didn’t come out ?!?
Thankyou . We’ll miss the peace you managed to impart …
Good luck and good health
As you nearly always say …. Cherrio !
Cheers. As you have probably noticed, I’m still making videos about the canals, including three new cruising videos about to be uploaded :-)
Hi john
As a family we have all loved watching your travels and wanted to wish you well in everything you choose to undertake now.
Thankyou so much for some of your humour especially when you get rattled by certain things ….we can all so relate to your comments .
Take care of you .
Thank you, I appreciate that.
Hi David. It’s Niki Nichols from San Antonio, Texas. I’m Army retired and just happened across your series on Prime. I was so tired of all the junk on movies these days, I was so excited to find this journey with you. It’s been a thrill learning on the boating going on in Britain. I love Brit TV as well. Maybe the accent.. lol. Yours is too good and love your humor. I was tempted to offer to join in on a trip with you but oh well. Best to you and I’ll stay on the watch. Thank you for letting us escape the craziness in this world! Love and prayers for you…..
Thank you! I’m so glad you have enjoyed the videos. When you get to the end of Season 4, switch over to YouTube (or this website) as everything from 2020 onwards is on YouTube only (approx video 201 is equivalent to the end of Season 4 on Prime)
I see the boat is awaiting a survey. That was pretty quick.
Fingers crossed for a smooth sale….
Thank you. Yes, survey in a little over a week from now. Cheers
Just found your show. Really enjoying season 4. Best of luck to you.
Thank you! When you get to the end of Season 4 (there won’t be any further episodes), the voyages continue here on this website and on YouTube, with video 201 being roughly equivalent to the last Prime episode. Everything from 2020 onwards is in subsequent videos.
Personally I think you are making this decision for all the right reasons. Too many ignore the aging process and how it can affect life..ins some kind of deluded denial. And if cruising life is no longer the fun it was, then that 5 year (+/-) ‘tour of duty’ concept I have used OR the beloved Giant Hand usually is a dependable signal. I’m also sure that the ease of contact for your family will reduce their concerns as well. And you have suggested an intriguing future plan…the smaller unit trailered around ….Great Idea!! Thanks for all the insight into the Canal World. You have kept many a global visitor sane in a lock-down world. Loyal fans will keep tuning in I am sure.
Cheers Reggie, that’s much appreciated. Glad you have enjoyed the videos.
We here (my husband and me) in Spokane WA USA Just got watching Cruising the Cut…..we literally just started watching you and absolutely love…Season 3…and now your selling your boat. Well I guess you have to listen to heart and let that lead you. We just love you….And love your humor and you are so interesting and I love learning. Being and seeing yo⅞u on the the weather, the sunshine, just how the locks work….and I absolutely love the lock houses….everything is just so different and so beautiful, Even on a cloudy day! Just watched tonight you summer special with all the boats and flags…very cool. I just wanted to say hello and will still be looking for you. God bless you! Cindy Sue Carter
Hello! Thank you. If you’re watching on Prime, then where Season 4 ends is equivalent to vlog 201 on this website and YouTube, so everything from 2020 onwards is on YT only rather than Prime. The videos are continuing though! Regards, David
Sad to see the end of this era David, but thank you for all of your excellent videos. My girlfriend and I have really enjoyed your cruising the cut series and will hope to see you cruising the cut again one day. All the best!
Cheers Alex, the videos will continue here and on YouTube including some cruising :-)
Well. This was a bit of a surprise. But I think I understand. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your “Cruising the Cut” experience. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. After watching the entire series about 10 times through on Prime, I finally just bought every episode and can now visit whenever I need a good dose of calmness and gentle but often hilarious humor. You’ve helped me through some rough Pandemic Moments, when humor and calm were scarce commodities. Best of luck with this new phase of your life. And thanks again for sharing your life. “Knowing” you via your videos has been pure pleasure.
Hello! Thank you. If you’ve been watching on Prime, then just a note that where Season 4 ends is equivalent to vlog 201 on this website and YouTube, so everything from 2020 onwards was and is on YT only rather than Prime. The videos are continuing though! Regards, David
Far better to live with the regret (potentially) of having done/said something David than NOT.. such is the life of a searcher.. from slipping into anair of complacency regarding ones self & life or closing a book to continue a new life saga… whatever the reasons for a large or small change in/to ones lifee are ultimately irrelevant.. life i feel is all about being true to one’s self, one’s own convictions..
If we each of us knew exactly what we were meant to do through our time here, would that not make trudging through the journey of life so ridiculously boring & foreseeable that it would in essence completely neutralise the enjoyment of lifes adventure..
Im NOT going to start chanting.. lol. I am simply going to wish you all of the very best David for whatever & wherever this latest tide & life wave carries you off to..
May it settle you down in calmer & much more pleasant , calm & stimulating waters. :-)
Thankyou for giving us all the opportunity to be part or to share in your watery adventures of the last 6plus years. It has been (& im happy to hear it will continue to be) your adventure we all can continue to follow.
Never give up the search for what your looking for.. sometime, when we least expect it, the tides shift & who knows what the winds of change will bring ones way..
May the very best of your past David turn out to be the worst of your future.
Kindest regards as always.
Thank you. Your kind sentiment is really very much appreciated. Cheers
Both my parents lived on a narrowboat on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal. So I perfectly understand why you are making this next step in your life. My family and I have enjoyed the up’s and down’s of your journeys over the years. I spent most of my childhood afloat and I always thought I would return, I never did…
Although, I have had several holidays afloat.
Good luck…
Thanks Mark. I’m pleased my rationale made sense! Cheers
Good luck for the future, however it turns out. Glad we will still get vlogs from you
Thank you, yes more to come!
Sorry to hear that David, but only you know what is best for you and we completely understand your reasons why. We don’t live on our boat -being of a certain age 80+ – and can understand your thoughts for the future. Will look forward to your continuing vlogs although we don’t watch them on Youtube but via your website on our Mac.
Take care young man and all the very best for the future.
Thank you Barry and thanks for continuing to watch. Regards, David
David, no matter where you live , you have a very personable and genuine style in the way you present your videos. It feels like you’re listening to an old friend. I look forward to many more quality productions and good luck to you.
That’s very pleasing to hear, such a nice compliment. Thank you.
What a relief it was to hear that you will continue with the Cruising The Cut channel.
I only just discovered it weeks ago and after reading the title of your latest vlog, I felt like the guest that arrives at a party just as it ends – as I am still viewing your entire catalog of videos (nearly caught up).
From your first video you came across very genuine, and as I continued to watch more, I too came to regard you as a longtime friend.
As an introverted, glasses wearing, 54 year old (“old gits rule”) male in IT (that happens to live near a canal) myself, I can definitely understand why you’ve made this decision.
Wishing you ALL the best with everything ahead and eagerly await your next vlog.
See you in the comments. Cheers!
Thank you and thanks for viewing the whole lot!! That’s quite some marathon…
Thank you for your update. I believe that you can do what you love better at a place that meets your needs and secures your future. We have really enjoyed your interviews. This could free you up to include some travel videos to other canals. Personally, since I am in the states am fascinated about business, restaurants and general life in, on and around the canals and aspects of how things get down there. I really enjoy your DIY videos. Keep up the quality work, we will keep watching.
Thank you. Yes I’m really hoping that once the dust and chaos of actually moving settles down, the facilities of a fixed base (with constant power etc!) will help to improve the output in the long term. Cheers!
Thanks David, I think you are making a wise choice. We all must plan for our retirement an old age. I bought my house 11 years ago, paid 53,500.00 and today is worth over twice that. I retired 3 years ago @ 71. I have a low house payment I can afford and am quite comfortable.
Glad to hear you will still be doing videos, we all enjoy them so much.
Good luck with your new venture…!
Thank you Jim. Old age planning is no fun but I’m a sensible sort of chap at heart so it needed to be sorted and it’s unfortunate that it requires the boat to be sold. Glad to hear you will continue to watch the videos, cheers!
When seized by The Giant Hand, you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do. Good on you for shaking hands with the seizure as so many folk will say “I wish I’d done this” or “wish I’d done that” or “you’re lucky” etc., etc., etc.. We’re all faced with opportunities, self made or otherwise, that we have to evaluate and decide on how we wish to deal with them. If it transpires to be a good outcome – that’s a win; if it’s a less than good outcome – it’s not much of a win but gives us a further opportunity to re-evaluate the situation. Sitting complacently on one’s backside and pondering the “might have beens” doesn’t achieve anything, as you have obviously worked out. I will continue to enjoy your Vlogs and look forward to seeing how that Giant Hand pans out. Regards Steve
Hi Steve, thank you. Certainly buying a house for my old age is not the most thrilling of ‘giant hand’ moments in my life but it does make a lot of sense to me, albeit at the cost of selling the boat. I hope I can continue to turn out videos that people find interesting! Regards, David
David, we’ve enjoyed every episode of cruising the cut and feel like you are a good friend, speaking to us personally. You are definitely doing the right thing. We will continue to watch your vlogs with enthusiasm as we also enjoy travelling on the canals. We wish you all the best with your move and look forward to watching again soon.
Thank you both, that really is very kind and I do appreciate the comment very much. Cheers
Completely understand. Fozes Afloat is buying a farm and now you’re selling out. Seems strange that some of the people who sold us on the dream of the canal life are giving it up! I understand being a restless soul, I’m the same way I refer to it as being an “uphil guy” , The journey somewhere is always more fun and rewarding than the destination. Wish you luck and looking forward to your future videos
I’m not “selling out” on anything. I’ve had 6.5 years on the boat and it’s been absolutely great. I would likely continue too if it wasn’t for looking far ahead to my future, as explained in the video.
You were never alone on the boat trips. We were always there with you, even though you couldn’t see us (that sounds creepy!). And I totally understand the introvert description you gave, that’s me to a T. It sounds like you are really looking forward to this next adventure in your life. Wishing you all the best and I am excited about your future documented travels. Cheers!
Thank you Melinda, the support is very much appreciated. Cheers!
None of your ideas are terrible. I think you are doing absolutely the right things. Congratulations and well done for have the courage to make changes and move forward. And thank you for continuing with Cruising the Cut. As an expat stuck in Kansas, I depend on you, your voice, your ideas, your explanations, your experiences etc. etc. A million best wishes from across the Pond.
Cheers, Te
Thank you, I really do appreciate the kind thoughts.
A little sad you are leaving your lovely boat but your reasons are perfectly sound , I shall carry on watching and very much enjoying every video you make and I can always go back to the very beginning ( again) for a cruising fix Good luck with your future plans .
Cheers Moira, I’m hoping in a short while as the videos continue that people won’t even remember I sold my boat!!
You are not losing a boat, you are expanding your horizons. I am looking forward to your future videos, even though I may never get to England. I have enjoyed the technical videos that you have presented and also the “people” interviews. Keep up the good work, looking forward to the future.
I like that way of thinking about it, thank you!
It sounds to me like you are excited about what is ahead, whereas your current situation didn’t provide a spark any more. Call it a big hand (a fabulous idea btw) or intuition, you have learned who you are and know how to follow your own instincts. I salute you and look forward to your future adventures.
That’s most kind, thank you.
My boat is 18’ long, a ‘bass boat’ based here in Georgia USA. However although our boats as vastly different I REALLY enjoyed your shows. It was great that you let us all ‘ride with you’ and learn along with you when you first acquired your canal boat.
Thank you! I look forward to whatever comes next.
Thank you! I’m very pleased to know the videos appeal not simply to a canal audience. Cheers!
I just discovered your show and it really does help my insomnia at 3:O0 am. Sorry! Very cute show and I’m impressed with your journeys and how you answer all of these mundane and sometimes intrusive messages!
Hope you view some of the YouTubes. P.S. I love when you correct grammar on signs such as when there’s no ostensible need for a possessive apostrophe—common mistake and it’s one of my big pet peeves!
Thanks for listening!
Thank you! I presume you’ve been watching on Prime? The Prime series is a remixed / reformatted version of the first 200-odd YouTube episodes, so where Prime ends after S4 is roughly equal to vlog 201 on YT. Then everything from 2020 onwards is YT only.
I LOVED getting to know you better through this video! Thank you for sharing. I can totally relate to being an introvert who likes to be with a few other people in certain situations. Large groups… not so much. Not at all, in fact.
P.S. If you’re ever in the U.S., you’re welcome to visit. I’m in the SW corner of Missouri. We can even house you, no charge! You’d have your own little apartment with private bath. Right off the living area is a big deck facing a woods. No canal, though.
We’re nice people, I promise. :)
Ah, thank you Lisa, that’s extremely kind. I’ve never been to Missouri! One day, perhaps :-)
I wish you the best of luck. Look forward to seeing your videos wherever you go.
Thank you!
Congratulations on moving on to whatever you decide to do next. Thanks for keeping up the channel, the unique tours and canal info were always my favorite parts!
Thanks – yes absolutely the channel continues!
Fair play to you and thank you for all that you have done for the world of ‘the cut’… without you we would never have ended up with our bespoke chimney! All the best
Hahaha ah that’s good to hear! Cheers
Hi David,
I tried to post my own connect but it wouldn’t let me
So I’m taking advantage of Clive, sorry Clive!
I’ve loved your series, I had no idea about nature boating
until a friend of mine turned me on to it. We are always talking
about hitting one for a month.
Back to you! Watching the videos of you explaining why
you decided to sell the boat, I feel like I’m watching a make version of myself. An introvert who wants to be social, so happy
to be at home in solitude after a night out with friends.
Itching to change my life every five years or so. I have a camper van and plan on doing more traveling in the USA. I also plan on visiting England having always been drawn there and not knowing why. My father always said we were German and Swedish, come to find out after he passed I am more English
and Irish and there are many Thorn’s in certain areas of England.
If like to go there to see if there are any relatives..
I can get much relate to the “age” issue you are feeling, maybe you just needed a companion but again maybe like me you don’t want them around all the time. Lol.
Thank you, yes I like company sometimes but also am hugely relieved to be on my own again afterwards!