Happy New Year; some YouTube ideas
On a chill-out New Year’s Day what could be finer than settling back with some excellent YouTube viewing? Nothing, that’s what. So here I present four other channels that I really enjoy. If you’d like to suggest your own, please do (but also please abide by my Suggestion Rules as given in the video!)
Links to the channels I suggest:
Wee Broon Van www.youtube.com/WeeBroonVan
Soft Roading The West www.youtube.com/SoftRoadingTheWest
Camper Vibe www.youtube.com/CamperVibe
Jits Into The Sunset www.youtube.com/JitsIntoTheSunset
Love to watch you on YouTube. I live in Jose California. Born in Rednal Birmingham.
Cheers Lee. I like your email address!!
I need to appologize for one of my recommendations for a You Tuber Channel to watch. I read the number of views, thinking that was the number of followers, and recommended Slim Potatohead, who unfortunately has over 100,000 followers. BUT, I am still going to recommend him anyway, but not for the list. I think you would really enjoy this easy going practical man from Canada. He just came to the US to travel recently and his two lastest videos on North and South Carolina are just marvelous.
Cheers – I actually recommended him myself a couple of years ago in a prior New Year’s Day video!! He is indeed excellent.
Hi David – Happy New Year!! Thanks for some excellent videos the past year, two in particular struck a really strong chord with me – the one about cutting tree growth back on the canals which showed that some canal based organisations are taking a far more progressive attitude to dealing with tree ‘waste’ than some ‘conservation’ organisations are. The other was about the restoration of the Cotswold Canals. As a former resident of Gloucester I had absolutely no idea there was a canal going across the Cotswolds! I lived on the edge of them for two years and loved it. This was the icing on the cake! Elsewhere I’ve suggested ‘The Bald Explorer’ as a good channel to watch, not a narrowboat channel, but occasionally looks at canals. He’s a very affable character, and he has a small crew of people (mainly the ‘lovely Julia’) that participate in his various exploits – highly enjoyable. One I haven’t mentioned before is ‘Paul and Rebecca Whitewick’ who again aren’t a narrowboat channel, but do occasionally cover canals, nice when canals are part of a broader mix of subject matter. Unusually Rebecca doesn’t appear in this video, but this one still gives a good taste of the work they do – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMCicCN_x0s
Happy New Year! Cheers :-)
I have two very different YOU Tubers that I follow here in the US. They couldn’t be more different. First Is Slim Potatohead from Canada and the other a couple called Wander Local, who travel in an Airstream.
Easy going mild mannered Slim travels in a small fiberglass trail. He doesn’t live in it full time. He is pretty handy , clever and integrates tips into his videos. https://www.slimpotatohead.com
Wanderlocal is a 30 something couple, Lauren and Daniel, with over the top energy. They live full time in their Airstream. They are willing to laugh at themselves when they make mistakes, which is how they started out making videos of their first time buying, towing, etc. an Airstream .Their other focus is buying and supporting local businesses. The do come from a corporate work and do own a company that does PR for medical groups. Not sure they are your cup of tea. https://wanderlocal.com
My husband and I always look forward to your videos. Would love to do a narrowboat cruise, but so much on our bucket list. We travel about 4 – 6 months a year in our restored vintage Airstream.
David amazing New Years message. Loved your highlighted YouTubers channel. Jist Into the Sunset was spot on with your review and very positive personality, even when van breaks. The van layout in Jist is perfect in my opinion. The Wee Broom Van was awesome and they are certainly lovely people the dog is so cute. It was perfect to watch these video during the snowstorm we received this week in upstate NY. Looking forward to the other two suggestions. Always love your canal boating and your van channel, too. Enjoy your story telling. Keep up the amazing job you do. Thank you so much.
Thank you, glad you enjoyed the suggestions.
Happy New Year
And indeed to you. Best wishes for 2022.
GR8 comments will have a look tired of crap editing ect
Have you watched Bruce Fummey’s
Scotland History Tours?
I have not but a few folk have recommended it.