Vlog 206: Scone in 60 Seconds

While my boat was broken down recently (see vlog 205), I had the great pleasure of Pixel, Maggie and Ryan aka Narrowboat Chef being my neighbours. They very kindly agreed to instruct me in the mystical ways of baking scones and this is the result.

For some proper cooking, see their channel at: https://www.youtube.com/NarrowboatChef

225g self-raising flour
40g soft butter
1.5 tablespoons of caster sugar
110ml milk
A pinch of salt

Pre-heat oven to Gas Mark 7 (220C)
Jiggle the flour through a sieve into a bowl.
Add the butter.
Mix the butter into the flour with your fingers until you don’t have any knobs of butter left in the flour, it’s all mixed in.
Add the sugar (sift if necessary) and salt
Mix with a fork
Add the milk
Mix with the fork until you have a big gungey mess of dough
Sprinkle some flour on the worktop
Pull the dough out onto the flour
Gently stretch the dough out and then back onto itself about five times.
Scatter flour on a baking tray
Cut the dough into scone-shaped chunks and put them on the tray
Paint a very tiny amount of milk on the top of each scone
Pop em in the oven for fifteen minutes
Get them out and leave them to cool
Cut and add your toppings such as butter, clotted cream and jam.
Eat with a cup of tea.

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