Vlog 106: Insert Title Here
Moving on from Kinver, through Kidderminster in the rain and onto Stourport, also in the rain. Most of this vlog is about rain which may explain why it’s so short.
Continue readingStories about boats and waterways
Moving on from Kinver, through Kidderminster in the rain and onto Stourport, also in the rain. Most of this vlog is about rain which may explain why it’s so short.
Continue readingMy journey down the Staffs & Worcester canal continues, picking up from Compton where I moored at the end of the last vlog, and heading south through Kidderminster and eventually ending up in Stourport. En route I see an unusual butty and get thoroughly whacked on the nose by another boat exiting a lock at an awkward angle.
Continue readingAfter the fun and frolics of the Boat-Tubers’ Christmas meal (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzT6DEuK91o), we all decided to meet up again for a summer barbecue. By boat, train and car we all congregated a nice convenient spot in the Midlands and ate sausages. This is a very adhoc record of some of the afternoon.
Continue readingHigh drama in this video as I become a sitting target for oncoming boats, stuck under a bridge when my propellor picks up something large and unpleasant. In journey terms, I come to the southern end of the Shroppie and turn right, heading south on the Staffordshire and Worcestershire canal.
Continue readingI know it’s not long since the last “not a vlog” but the journey along the Shropshire Union canal was so pretty and so sunny that I couldn’t resist making up another compilation. Get a cuppa, put the video to full screen, sit back and relax to this.
Continue readingContinuing down the Shropshire Union canal and going under an awful lot of bridges. I mean, a really amazing number in quick succession including one very well-known one. Plus a water refill and a bit of stickiness as I try to be a good boater.
Continue readingAn episode in which I spot an escaped cow, a swan hinders my progress and I send a hireboater to their doom.
Continue readingThis is NOT A VLOG. It’s a compilation of pretty canal scenes with no captions, text, commentary, music, annotations or anything like that. It’s deliberately like that. If you liked my previous “not a vlogs”, I hope you like this one. If you didn’t, you definitely won’t. If you think it would be better with music, then please feel free to put your favourite CD on while you watch :-)
Continue readingIn which I continue my return trip to Middlewich but then do a 90 degree right turn onto the Middlewich branch of the Shropshire Union canal, get some fuel and fenders from a fuelboat, go all the way along to Barbridge and turn left onto the Shroppie, and past the entrance to the Llangollen canal.
Continue readingSeveral people suggested that as I was going all the way up to Middlewich I ought to go that little bit further north and visit the Anderton Boat Lift, an amazing engineering structure dating from 1875, which lifts boats from the Trent and Mersey canal down to the River Weaver and vice versa. So I did.
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