Vlog 234: Christmas Cheer

With Christmas coming and small businesses ever more in need of your support, I thought I’d do a video highlighting a smattering of the arts and crafts that many narrowboaters sell from the canals. There are loads more than the handful I was able to squeeze in here, so for more, visit the RCTA directory ( link below).

Traders I featured:
Paul Smith-Storey: www.paulsart.uk
Zoe Marsden: www.etsy.com/uk/shop/LastNightInLimehouse
Jo & Michael (Minimal List): www.ArtByAnnamarie.com and see also www.minimallist.co.uk
Reverie Canal Trading: www.reveriecanaltradingco.co.uk
Narrowboat Sunbeam: www.etsy.com/uk/shop/HandmadeOnSunbeam
Lizbef (Liz Earle): www.earlewrites.com
Anna and Kath (Narrowboat Experience): www.ArtByAnnamarie.com
Cruising Crafts: www.instagram.com/cruisingcrafts
Ryan & Maggie (Narrowboat Chef): www.NarrowboatChef.com

Roving Canal Traders Association: www.rcta.org.uk/directory